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染の小道 | July 27, 2024

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KIMONO DRESSING @ Shinjuku Multicultural Plaza 9/29

KIMONO DRESSING @ Shinjuku Multicultural Plaza 9/29

Let’s Enjoy Wearing Kimono

Let’s enjoy the exciting experience of spending time wearing kimono together. You may pick a kimono you would like to wear from a selection of genuine silk kimono.
You will be dressed by kimono experts and can then pose gracefully and take lots of photographs with your camera. You can also lean basic knowledge about kimono, and hear about the exciting dyeing craftmen’s event, “Some no komichi” taking place in the Shinjuku dyeing town of Nakai, early next year 2/28, 3/1, 3/2.
Only women’s kimono are available, but men are welcome to enjoy viewing the completed dressing.



Shinjuku Multicultural Plaza
Hygeia (ハイジア) 11F, 2-44-1 Kabuki-cyo, Shinjuku-ku
にちじ:Day/Time 2013.9.29(sun) 10:50~13:00
ひよう:Fees 200 yen for kimono dressing. Viewing is free.
・You must be over 18 y/o to participate in kimono dressing.
・当日先着せんちゃく20名 Up to 20 people on 9/29.
●Please bring a V-necked or low necked T-shirt to wear under the kimono.

主催:「染の小道」実行委員会そめのこみち じっこういいんかい
共催:しんじゅく多文化共生プラザ Shinjuku Multicultural Plaza
