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染の小道 | July 27, 2024

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金潤熙 (キム・ユンヒ)Kim Youn Hi

金潤熙 (キム・ユンヒ)Kim Youn Hi

Culture and Education Division in Natural Dyeing Culture Center, Naju (Sep 2006- Present): Team leader
Department of Design, College of Fine Arts, Chosun University, Gwangju (Jan 2004-Sep 2012): Adjunct Professor
Culture and Education Division in Natural Dyeing Culture Center, Naju (Sep 2006-Present): Team leader
Entry and Planning, Taiwan Design Expo Exhibition, 2015
Participation, Gwangju International Art Fair Exhibition, 2015 

最初の出会い First Contact (2017年, 白雪鮨(閉店), 藍染め)